The Birth of Winnie
After a 1hr 18 minutes labour Winnie was born at home on Sunday 9 August weighing 7lb 1 1/4 ounces.
It was almost an identical sequence of events to when I had Reuben however this time a totally different experience. Again my waters went first and instead of the rush of getting ready to go to hospital, Kieran got the candles burning and relaxing music on. My surges came on good and fast so I was straight into my up breathing. Not long after I could feel the baby coming so breathed down with all my life and baby Winnie was born calm, minutes after the midwife arrived.
Had I not taken your Hypnobirthing classes I am absolutely certain that for a start I wouldn’t have even considered a home birth, and by believing in myself and my body, Kieran and I just got on with doing everything we practiced, and I didn’t even think twice about the fact the midwife wasn’t there until the very end. Unfortunately my surges were painful which I put down to just not having the time to get into that deep relaxed state, however pain relief never even crossed my mind so Winnie was born alert and I felt totally normal after the birth.
I still can’t get over what a relaxed event it all was, we were all in bed eating ice creams from the ice cream van shortly after I gave birth!! Kieran didn’t feel like a spare part and I’m so happy to have not got a 3rd degree tear again. All from 4 classes a month before my due date. Just goes to show what can be achieved even with only a small amount of time to practice.
I can’t recommend Hypnobirthing enough. Thank you.
Becky and Kieran, Bradford