Birth Stories

The Birth of Jack

A Christmas Day Hypnobirth

I maybe didn’t start hypnobirthing for the same reasons as most others and I probably wanted a different outcome to most. This was my third birth, my previous two have been inductions due to being 40+14 with quite major complications after birth meaning I was consultant lead.

It was the consultant who suggested hypnobirthing in an attempt to do everything to encourage my body to go naturally, as well as, starting stretch and sweeps from 38 weeks to reduce my risks after delivery. This time I went into labour at 41 weeks and 2 days.

In all honestly I probably didn’t buy into hypnobirthing fully, I thought it was a bit ‘airy fairy’ however, some aspects really struck a cord and resonated with me.

-Changing your mind set

-Use of breathing for calming techniques

-Trusting your body and nature

-Going with your gut instinct.

And it was these aspects that kicked in during my labour.

I gave birth on Christmas day and with two other children my labour took a back seat on Christmas morning, however, from 2pm I came home and I wanted to be on my own. I sat on the side of my bed with my hands behind me, slowly swaying. I kept my eyes closed throughout the entire labour and delivery, I found it helped me concentrate. I found myself in quite a deep trance like state, my mind was empty and it helped me to stay sleepy.

Throughout my labour my surges were sporadic at best and I laboured through my back, I hardly felt anything in my stomach. I felt very in tune with my body and I instinctively knew when I progressed through each stage of labour, when I felt pressure and the urge to push, I was examined and three pushes later Jack William was born at 8pm weighing 9lbs 6oz.

For me hypnobirthing has given me an amazing liberating experience, it just felt very natural. The most important thing hypnobirthing has given me is the recovery after birth or lack of it. Both times previously after bring induced I came out of delivery feeling like I’d been in a car crash, yet this time my body wasn’t sore or painful.

I would recommend hypnobirthing to anyone, thank you Abby x


Kate and Andrew