The Birth of Piper

I’d done Hypnobirthing with my first but I think I still let the ‘professionals’ make the choices for me when it came to it.  I’d wanted a waterbirth so much but after been in the pool for hours they got me out and onto a bed on my back for the delivery due to how he was positioned but I’m pretty sure I could’ve done it better not being on my back!!

So my second pregnancy I was adamant I was going to get the birth I wanted. I started reading the calm birth school book ,listening to ‘the magic carpet’ and the affirmation cards were stuck on the fridge! I wrote clearly on my birth plan that if water birth wasn’t possible I didn’t want to be on my back.

I’d had to see the consultant midwife due to blood loss and the fact I was a carrier of group strep B (only knew after myself and Reuben were admitted for antibiotics)

It was only for one visit but when she heard my plan for Hypnobirthing she wanted to do my birth plan with me!

I think going through it with her at 35 weeks made me even more confident that I would be able to do it.

I’d gone for my 40 week midwife appointment thinking I’d say no to a sweep.. but after being asked it made me think.. I was ready to meet our baby girl so why not give her a little nudge! I’d had a sweep with Reuben at 41 weeks because I was terrified of being induced!! He came 2 days after the sweep so I thought what the hell let’s bring her on!

Well that was 2pm. We’d got home from the appointment and decided to have a little walk through our village to let Reuben run off some steam at the park. The walk home saw us passing the local and it would’ve been rude not to pop in for a pint (of shandy!)

On the walk back home I knew something was happening but it was more butterflies than pains but off and on.

By 7pm I’d said to Oli (my husband) I think we should get my mum up as it would save her coming up during the night if we had to go in. So we all watched Love island and went to bed at 11pm. I felt excited that the next day would maybe meet our little girl!

Well we woke up the next morning at 7.30 (by Reuben!) and I felt a little disappointed that the surges had stopped! Until I started moving about again! So then I just felt grateful I’d had a lovely sleep!

They started again by 8/8.30 but I still didn’t think they were strong enough to go in.

By 10am they were a little stronger so I called the Maternity assessment centre. Due to me being a GBS carrier I had to go in to have antibiotics so it had to be timed right so she’d have a loading dose then more every 2 hours.

The midwife said go with how I feel so I made sure we had everything ready to go in but waited another 2 hours before we headed off! It’s quite emotional saying bye to your only child knowing that when you return he won’t be that anymore!

When we got to MAC at about 12 we waited about half hour in a waiting area of other ladies and bumps. I felt the surges dip off a little bit but was told that’s quite normal as it’s the unknown.

I got called in and was told she’d have to check to see how dilated I was, but this was ok as I’d been prepared before hand so knew I’d just have to get this one out of the way! I was 2-4cm, but she said she didn’t want to send me home so just to have a walk about for 2 hours.

So off we walked.. the surges were manageable so we decided to walk up to a shop to get an ice lolly and drink (it was a VERY hot day!)  on the way I was saying my affirmations with Oli and laughing! ‘I AM A STRONG CAPABLE WOMAN!’ Sounds funny walking up a busy road!

After 2 hours we went back to get checked.. still the same but waters were bulging. ‘go get something to eat and pop back when they’re stronger’

So off we wandered again and I managed half a sandwich then we decided to get some fresh air outside, having found a shaded breezy place we stopped and I had chance to relax a little. Then all of a sudden the surges became stronger so we started walking back. Walking past everyone outside the main door trying to breath through a surge was a tough one but I was bothered they would stare so I carried on walking through it!

We got back to MAC and she didn’t even have to check down there obviously could tell by my face! I needed a wee so went into the bathroom. I remember getting a surge and looking into the mirror saying to myself ‘I CAN DO THIS!’ Which made me chuckle too!

So at 5.45pm she gave me the loading dose of antibiotics.. 6pm down to the Birth centre and as soon as I got down there I knew it was my time. The relaxation mp3 I’d been listening to throughout was put on and I got into my zone.

I asked for gas and air as I felt I needed something & the breathing I’d been practicing came into play and I was away! I Stood up leaning over the raised bed, the surges were coming in thick and fast.

I remember Oli asking the midwife if we could have the pool filled (he knew I really wanted a waterbirth!) at 7.10pm I got in and wow it was lovely! The surges really came quickly and before I knew it I was wanting to push. So I went with it and my waters popped! It shocked me quite a bit then along came another and I started pushing and her head was out!! I felt myself drift off and imagined me stood outside the pool watching myself give birth! With Another surge I pushed and she appeared!

I remember looking down into the water at her thinking ‘I DID IT!’ In fact I probably shouted it out! I picked her up and scooped her in. I don’t think I’ve ever been as proud of myself as I did right there. I felt empowered! I kept saying I can’t believe I’ve done it!

My Body went into shock shaking due to her coming quickly but that soon passed! No stitches needed!

Piper arrived at 7.32pm 27/6/18 weighing 7lb 12oz

As for the antibiotics.. we never got another dose! But having stayed in for 24 hours and had 4 hourly observation we were good to come home.

I can’t thank Abby enough! Having just the one 3 hour refresher session made all the difference and put me well on the path for my perfect birth.


Kizzy and Oli, Halifax